Monday, September 30, 2013

Honors: Friction

Homework is Friction I.

Conceptual: Rotational/Circular Motion

Bellwork became a sort of notes today:
We went outside to run around in circles to discover the relationship between tangential velocity and radius and tangential velocity and rotational speed.
Homework tonight is Circular Motion I.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Teacher Out

I've off at a training for MESA so you're on your own today. Conceptual class (p.1), please work on Friction II and also turn in last night's homework. Honors classes, please work on Inclined Planes I.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Honors: Inclined Planes

First a little trigonometry and geometry review.
Then we learned how to handle an inclined plane: turn the axes!

Conceptual: Friction

Today we started talking about friction. You homework is Friction I.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Solving Newton's 2nd Law Problems

The demo mentioned in the bellwork was pulling a tablecloth out from underneath some dishes.
First we walked through a standard problem involving Newton's 2nd Law:
At this point we practiced on the worksheet Net Force and Acceleration (link to the back). I don't have an electronic version of the front. You also received Forces Practice for homework. This contains conceptual problems similar to what you'll see on the next test.

For the Honors classes, at the end of the period we did the same practice problem as before but made the pulling force at an angle. Notice that the basic procedure does not change, but when finding the net force in each direction we have to break up the angled force into its x and y components. We also skipped the stuff in the y direction because we already knew the acceleration in the y direction is zero, so net force in the y direction is zero.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Newton's 3rd Law

Today we looked at some consequences of Newton's 3rd Law, including the normal force. Homework is Newton's 3rd Law.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Weight and Free Body Diagrams

Bellwork first:
Then we practiced finding your weight on various celestial bodies (note that Jupiter doesn't really have a surface as it is a gas giant)
And finally we took some short notes about drawing free body diagrams. We will use these a lot in the future.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Newton's 2nd Law

Today we used your lab results to derive the equation form of Newton's 2nd Law. We also did a few practice problems. Homework is Newton's 2nd Law.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Honors: Graphing Your Data

The honors classes have to graph their F,m,a Lab data in a spreadsheet program. We went over this in class, but here is a video with the procedure as well:

Graphing in Excel and OpenOffice

You may need to manually switch it into HD to read it properly.

If you do not have a printer, email your graphs to me at . Include your NAME, your PERIOD, and HOW MANY COPIES you need.

You may also just email me your whole lab, but to do that you must type up EVERYTHING, including data tables. You can find a blank electronic copy of the lab here. So to recap: either your whole lab is electronic or your whole lab is a hard copy. I will not take it in pieces.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Force, Mass and Acceleration Lab

Today and tomorrow we are using a lab to discover Newton's 2nd Law. The conceptual class is split in two:

The Effect of Mass on Acceleration
The Effect of Force on Acceleration

The honors classes have one big lab:
The Effect of Force and Mass on Acceleration

The setup diagram and bellwork are below.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Newton's First Law

Today we used some hypothetical and real-life examples to analyze Newton's First Law.
Homework is below.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Forces Intro

Today we did an overview of forces. There is no homework.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Study Guide Day

Today everyone is working on a study guide for our first test. Period 1, yours is in Friday's post. Everyone else (honors classes), yours is below with answers.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Honors: Word Problems in 2 Dimensions

First we walked through a typical word problem in two dimensions on the bellwork. Unfortunatley, I forgot my iPod and so do not have a picture. The rest of the day was spent working on Kinematics Word Problems II, which is due Monday.

Conceptual: Kinematics Study Guide

Today and Monday period 1 is working on the study guide for the kinematics test, which is Tuesday. Below are the study guide and the answers to the study guide. Also, don't forget to turn in Kinematics II!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Word Problems in 2 Dimensions

Today we worked through a classic 2 dimensional kinematics word problem:

Your homework is Kinematics II. The front is here and a picture of the back is below.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Today we talked about vectors and how to add them.

We also learned about vector components.
The front of the homework is the same for everyone:
But the back is different for Conceptual and Honors.